Workshop Program

ADEPT 2024 will feature the following talks and presentations. The detailed program of the workshop will be announced later.

Time Session Presentation
08:30 - 09:00 Workshop registration Barcelona Supercomputing Center, main entrance: Plaça Eusebi Güell, 1-3, 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
09:00 - 09:30 Workshop opening Introduction and news about AADL
Bruce Lewis
09:30 - 10:30 Session 1: UAV
Session chair: Leonidas Kosmidis
UAV autopilot architectures versus AADL
Emmanuel Grolleau
Safe UAV Continuous-Control Architecture Design
Leandro Buss Becker, Fernando Silvano Gonçalves, Elton Ferreira Broering, Henrique Amaral Misson and Lucas Cordeiro
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 2: Model-based System Engineering
Session chair: Emmanuel Grolleau
TASTE and AADL in the METASAT Model-Based Engineering Workflow
Alejandro Calderón, Irune Yarza, Stefano Sinisi, Lorenzo Lazzara, Valerio Di Valerio, Giulia Stazi, Leonidas Kosmidis, Matina Trompouki, Alessandro Ulisse, Aitor Amonarriz and Peio Onaindia
AQDT-GEN: AADL and QEMU-based Digital Twin generation for IoT testing
Monica Michelle Villegas Arias, Hernan Astudillo and Faber Giraldo
Executable AADL Models for Early System Qualification Test
Stéphane Rubini, Sébastien Levieux, Eric Cariou, Frank Singhoff, Hai Nam Tran and Gilles Le Pluart
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30 Session 3: AADL tools update
Session chair: Jérôme Hugues
INDIGO - Collaborative MBE across Diverse System Models Including AADL
Steve Vestal and Ed Sandberg
Bruce Lewis, Rand Whillock
15-minute presentation
Ellidiss tools for AADL modeling and verification, and current state of the SysML v2 library for AADL support
Pierre Dissaux
15-minute presentation
Multiprocessor schedulability analysis with AADL and Cheddar
Frank Singhoff, Stéphane Rubini, Hai Nam Tran
15-minute presentation